Sunday, December 2, 2007
Ty Update and My Birthday
Lastly, yesterday was my 2nd birthday. Daddy bought me some new toys, bones and even got a special dinner. Kibble with Turdunken. Yummmy! I even have left overs.
Take Care
Saturday, December 1, 2007
All dog lovers PLEASE help!!!!!

See that photo at left? Believe it or not, that is a wire fox terrier like me! An abused, horribly neglected wire who was one of 97 fox terriers found at a Monreal puppy mill belonging to Marc-Andre Laporte. Laporte was found guilty of two counts of animal cruelty at the St. Jerome courthouse in Montreal this week. Click here to see more photos
Almost 40 foxies had to be euthanized. The surviving dogs were cared for by the SPCA and later, with the help of devoted fox terrier lovers, found wonderful foster homes where they have been living for the past 2 years, unable to be adopted until the case is finalized. Laporte is only facing six months of jail time and up to $4,000 in fines. I find that disgusting - he should be locked in a cage forever or put to sleep - he murdered 40 dogs and abused 57 others!!
But it gets worse friends.
On Feb. 22, 2008 he will be sentenced.
And at the same hearing, the judge is to decide if Laporte is to get any of his fox terriers back!
Yeah, you read that right...get his dogs BACK! Are they insane in Canada? Are they blind? What is wrong with these people!? To even consider removing ONE wire from the safety and care of their loving foster families back to Laporte is OUTRAGEOUS!
So friend, today we are launching a two-fold campaign to prevent Laporte from getting his dog/s back. We know we can count on you to take action and spread the word:
1: Please go to the online petition. Once all the signatures are entered, we will print it out and hand it over to our friend in Montreal who has been instrumental is saving and caring for the Blainville wires, for distribution to the media (unfortunately it is illegal in Canada to hand petitions to the court).
2: Please take a few minutes to write a letter to Judge Jean Sirois imploring him to prevent Laporte from ever taking possession of his former fox terriers or of owning any dog again. If you can, include a photo of yourself and your foxie/dog. All the letters received will be put in a file and also handed to the media.
Letters should be mailed to:
Elizabeth Pierce
119 16th Street
Roxboro, Québec
Please disseminate this information on your blogs, to your fellow dog owners and friends.
Thank you for your support in this important matter.
A sad AGC and his very angry Mom
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Ty, My Uncle Comes To Visit!

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Turkey Day!

Hugs and kisses,
The Bebster
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Show Dogs! All Terrier Show in Blue Bell, PA

Monday, September 24, 2007
The Bebster Takes DC!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
More Family News!!!!!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Window Seat

Monday, August 27, 2007
Play Date!

Thursday, August 23, 2007
Happy B-Day Mercedes!

We had doggie birfday cake, cookies and play time. I met this nice Corkie and a whole bunch of other doggies. We played in the store and I even got my own present from my Daddy.
So Happy Birfday Mercedes, can't wait for our next play date.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Ch. Br'er Fox Rock N Roll Dynasty "Raffi" (Father) -- Greterre Blues Traveler "Betty" (Mother)
Intl. Chl. Blackdale Ringmaster
Ch. Foxhollow Br'er Fox Ming Dynasty
Foxmeadow Black Hawk
Ch. Warewire Full Tilt Boogie "Beanie"
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Beach Week 07

This Sunday Mercedes, my dog walkers little girl, is having a birthday party for her. I can't wait to meet all the doggies she walks. Sounds like fun.
Weather is supposed to be really good in Philly and the N.E. Get out and romp in the grass my furry friends. Huggs and Kisses!
Monday, July 16, 2007

This past weekend we went to the beach. In Philly and
I'll play with anyone. My daddy is nervous about taking me off leash. Most dogs here run free, but not the Bebster. I think he will soon, I just have to prove that I wont run away. I like coming here because of all the different smells. Also everyone is more relaxed. Perry likes to hide his sweet potato treats around the house and I find them all and try to eat them too. Mommy and daddy take them away, they say they make me poop too much.

We will be coming to the beach again in a few weeks for a whole week. Maybe by then I'll be ready to swim with the big dogs.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Sunday Wiry Sunday

Elliot and Bebe show down for the dingo. I stole it from him then he got it back. In the end we both won.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

I haven’t posted up in a while. Have been busy playing with my friends. Above is Willie my cousin. He lives downtown in Philly; we got to play and play a few weeks back. The heat here has been tough on me and my parents. Luckily I can fetch and play inside. Since my last post I've been to the beach, played with my new friend Eli a pit pull. We chased each other for hours in my yard while my parents and their friends grilled some food.
On another note my parents looked at adopting a sweet 2 year old Wire from the American Fox Terrier rescue only to receive this response:
"I would suggest that you enjoy Bebe. It is true that Wires are great family dogs. However, they are not a breed that enjoys sharing their home and family members with another dog.....especially another Wire. The best of friends can become enemies for no apparent reason. The results are devastating and can be very costly. Fighting with another dog in the home is one of the main reasons Wires are relinquished into rescue. For this reason, we do not place our fosters in homes with other dogs."
Now we all know that there are dogs that don't get along with other dogs. This dog did not have any notations of not being good with other dogs/cats on Petfinder. In all honesty I play well, I've spent weekends with other dogs and there has been no problems. My parents know Wires pretty well now. This dog has, unfortunately, missed a great home. It’s like saying all Pit Bulls are mean. I've met one and he is a really sweet heart. So in the end we should not make generalizations. We look at each action as a unique circumstance. Luckily my breeder wants my parents to get a sweet boy. I guess they won’t be able to rescue another Wire do to generalizations and will have to buy another.
Stay cool dogs its hot out!
The Bebster
Sunday, April 1, 2007
The Bebster Hits NYC

Its been just over a week in my new home and all is well. My mommy and daddy have to work, which means Melissa comes by and walks me during the day. I like her, she is really friendly and plays with me when mommy and daddy can't. All week I've hear about a trip we were going on to the Big Apple. I didn't know what that meant but is sounded juicy.
Saturday morning came and my worst nightmare, a car ride. I hate the car, but know I have to get used to it. I hear that I'll be going to the beach in the summer and its too far to walk. Anyway, off we drove, it took forever. Next thing I knew I was surrounded by cars, people and buildings. We went into a building, took my first ever elevator ride and into an apartment. I don't know how people, let alone dogs live that way, but I met my first real friend, LuLu. We played for hours, chasing each other and stealing each other's toys. Mommy and daddy met little Harrison, daddy's nephew for the first time. I thought I was small!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Hi from Bebe
I recently made a big move, from Big Sky Country to the City of Philadelphia (Pat's or Geno's). I hope to find out the answer to this question, but somehow I know they won't bring me home any cheese steaks anytime soon.
So far my first weekend went well. My new mommy and daddy brought me lots of toys to play with. I'm particularly fond of the little duck that quaks. I also like the little pink pig. I'm getting used to the new neighborhood. Lots of new dogs to play with, all of them I like. So far so good.
I have to go, I hear a squirrel in the yard, but here is a picture for you.