Standing alone with all the sites to see. We walked and walked all day. There were a ton of geese to see. I was interested but there were a lot of them so kept my distance. They were bigger than me. I really liked the Korean War Memorial. A lot of people stopped to say hi to me. Wonder if they see my blog.

The whole pack together for a wonderful picture. A really nice lady offered to take a picture of us. She called me spoiled, what ever that is. There were so many people to see I didn't know what to do with my self. We took quite a few breaks, sitting on benches in the shade drinking water.

Here is me and mom on top of the WWII memorial. I think this memorial was my dads favorite. We wanted to go to the White House to visit George, but we ran out of time it was also hot out so we did not want to over do it. I had a lot to talk to him about, but we can try next time. I was really
suprised that there were not more dogs. I have to say they were really dog friendly. Lots of signs that said; no food, no bicycles, etc, but none said no dogs.
Hey Bebe,
good to hear from you! Wow, DC looked fun! If I had to see that Bush man, I would have to bite him, so maybe its a good thing you didn't get to the white house. I hope to see you soon too. My peeps will email your peeps!
I'm getting stripped this Friday at the salon you go to. I told Alex that Bebe sent me and he was pleased!
I hear ol' Dubya likes dogs, so I'll bet he would have loved to meet you in Washington. Maybe next time?
William Tell
Oh wow! I must say you look like you belong there. Will we see you running as the first canine for congress?
And then in 8 more years you can run to be our second female president!
Bussie Kissies
Hey Bebe, nice photos! Looks like you had fun. J x
Well that looks like fun!! Best not to go to the White House,Who knows you may leave with a "bug" on you you!! LoveA+A
DeeSee is one of my flavorite towns. My sister lives there, and there is a great grate in DuPont Circle where there are lots of different smells. I go back to see it every time we visit. Great photos!
Hey Bebe! Looks like you had great fun in DC! Sure wish I were there to see you...you sure are a pretty girl!!
You pals, Mackie and Finnegan
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