Thursday, September 6, 2007

Window Seat

This is one of my favorite spots in the house. When daddy is hogging the computer, some of us have blogs to work on, I go here. I like to bark at all the people and dogs outside. Sometimes I see a squirrel or a cat too, then I get really crazy. There are other windows I can get to, but for some reason, this is my favorite.


Gus said...

Oh yeah! That looks like a great choice. We all MUST have a favorite window, me 'n Teka share the one just behind the couch, looking out at the front lawn and the street. But my FAVORITEST window of all time is at the hotel in DeeSee, where we were Wa-ay high up and looked down into a park. I loved looking down on squirrels!

William Tell said...

That window looks like it was built just for you.

We like the French doors, there's room for all of us to see out at the same time, as long as the curtains aren't in the way.

William Tell

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh my gosh!! That is JUST like us!!! (Agatha more than Arch!!) Must be a wirey trait!! Love A+A

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Bebe, I love looking out the window, but for some reason the neighbours aren't quite so keen! I don't bark THAT much! J x

Wired for Mackie said...

I like the window too, but mostly at grandma's house because the window's go all the way to the floor and I can see daddy leaving every morning. It's hard to see out at my house....they need to move the sofa for me...and open the blinds...sheez!

xoxoxo, Mackie

Asta said...

That would be my choice too..someone has to keep an eye on things..and it's fun besides
hope you'we zzzzzOk..I miss you
smoochie kisses

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

I like to run out into my atrium and peek out the garden door and bark!!!!

Bussie Kissies