I haven’t posted up in a while. Have been busy playing with my friends. Above is Willie my cousin. He lives downtown in Philly; we got to play and play a few weeks back. The heat here has been tough on me and my parents. Luckily I can fetch and play inside. Since my last post I've been to the beach, played with my new friend Eli a pit pull. We chased each other for hours in my yard while my parents and their friends grilled some food.
On another note my parents looked at adopting a sweet 2 year old Wire from the American Fox Terrier rescue only to receive this response:
"I would suggest that you enjoy Bebe. It is true that Wires are great family dogs. However, they are not a breed that enjoys sharing their home and family members with another dog.....especially another Wire. The best of friends can become enemies for no apparent reason. The results are devastating and can be very costly. Fighting with another dog in the home is one of the main reasons Wires are relinquished into rescue. For this reason, we do not place our fosters in homes with other dogs."
Now we all know that there are dogs that don't get along with other dogs. This dog did not have any notations of not being good with other dogs/cats on Petfinder. In all honesty I play well, I've spent weekends with other dogs and there has been no problems. My parents know Wires pretty well now. This dog has, unfortunately, missed a great home. It’s like saying all Pit Bulls are mean. I've met one and he is a really sweet heart. So in the end we should not make generalizations. We look at each action as a unique circumstance. Luckily my breeder wants my parents to get a sweet boy. I guess they won’t be able to rescue another Wire do to generalizations and will have to buy another.
Stay cool dogs its hot out!
The Bebster
Wow Bebe, you know another wire in Philly - boy,how come I haven't met any of you. I live in Fairmount, where are you? Please visit my blog today - I talked about you.
Mom is surprised to hear the response from AFTR as we know many two wire homes - Mom has heard horror stories about having two wiry females in one household, but I think if you got a brother, you would have been fine. Very surprised at their response.
Anyway, still hoping to hear from you.
editordan2002 at yahoo
PS Please tell me the 2 year old wire you are referring to wasn't Oscar!! That would make us very upset cos we were trying to help find him a home - I bet you two would have gotten along very well as he sounded so sweet.
PPS Wondering where Willie lives cos we are in Center city too and have never met ...
Hey Bebe, I found your blog through Axel. Just thought I'd drop by and say hello! I'm a 7 year old rescue WFT from the UK and my name is Jackson. J x
Bebe: found your blog through AXEL. Keep in touch
Hi Bebe,
I found you on Axel's site, vewy nice to meet you. I think those people are nuts, my MOmmy once had thfee wires at once, it was pure joy ashe said!
come visit me sometime pweez
smoochie kisses
Hi Bebe!! Welcome!! We are Agatha + Archie in Boston! We heard about you from Axel( a good lad)We agree with Asta, those people are nuts.. we are 2!!!! Welcome to the neighborhood!! Agatha and Archie
Please ask your Mommy to email me at editordan2002 at yahoo.com - not just becos mom would love to meet you but because mom personally knows a lady who works in rescue in Maryland who knows of a youngish wire male needing a home - he is now in a shelter in DE, nearby. According to Mom's friend - AFTR do not have a policy regarding not allowing wire rescues to go to homes with other wires - each rescuer sets their OWN policy. Mom's friend would like to speak to your mom - she herself has two wires and is not opposed to the idea but will want to ask you questions.
Axel and his Mom
Hi Bebe, you pretty girl! I found you through Axel too! Looks like your family really likes us wires since you even have a cousin wire too! I'm sorry that you had a bad experience with rescue but all rescue people don't feel the same way about things like that and it's not arule of the AFTR. My mommy does rescue and me and my brother, Finnegan get along beautifully. Yes, some dogs don't get along well with each other, but like you said, that's kinda a case by case thing. Anyway, my mom knows of a little boy wire that needs a home and she'd like to talk to you about it. If you can, please email her at wiredformackie@yahoo.com.
Hugs to you! Stay in touch!
Your new pal, Mackie (and brother Finnegan)
hi bebe, my parents are from a two-wire home and they get along just fine. sometimes they come and live with me when their mommy has to go on camping trips and then we become a three-wire household with little trouble – as long as there is plenty of food for everyone!
do visit me sometimes; u can find the link to my parents' blog from mine.
Thanks for the kind words everyone. My mommy and daddy would be interested in this sweet boy that would have been put down, no way. If any Wire in the Philly area needs, even temporary, a place to stay our house is open!
Hey, Bebe, we're very sorry to hear that the rescue has such strict rules! Just seeing your photos shows that you get along well with others. Couldn't they give it a trial run?
We have three WFTs in our home, and never a spat. They get along super with kids and each other.
Hope you find a wiry companion soon!
William Tell
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