Monday, June 2, 2008

Wire Fox Terrier, the breed that crosses all religions, races and ages?

Well it has happened again. Last week a car pulls over and an older woman gets out and starts talking about the Wires she grew up with as a child. She was so happy to see Bebe and Casey. And it seems she is not alone. many people stop us and say they had Wires when growing up. Wire Foxes (The Come Back Kid) could probably run for president. Why not?

So yesterday we are walking our terrors and a huge pick up comes up slowly; is it a hit? Nope, another person who says oh I grew up with a Wire. So my fellow Wires, I urge you to show your Wire pride. We are making a comeback.


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Yay, lets try for world domination! WFTs rule! J x

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Happens to us too!

Bussie Kissies