We leave him at 8am and our neighbor comes in at 10am to let them out. Our dog walker comes in at 1pm for a nice walk and lastly our neighbor comes back at 3pm. He manages to pee and poop in between visits. We are really at a loss, since we spent his first week on potty training. We can't ease him into being alone without one of us loosing a job. He gets stuffed Kongs, balls stuffed with food, stuff to chew on, but he seems to focus on being alone. He does play with these items. I have decided to buy a wireless webcam to see what he is actually doing.
Dear Casey: You can cure the separation anxiety your owners are feeling. Just do not go anywhere without them. And go with them wherever they go. It worked for me!
ps...we found that rescue remedy (bach's flower essence) and frequent visits helped Gussie, who had very extreme separation anxiety when he came to us. You are already doing the frequent visits, you might want to check out the rescue rememdy?
barb (muzzer)
Hey pals, really sorry to hear about Casey's separation anxiety. J1's previous WFT had terrible separation anxiety but he DID get better over time. The webcam sounds like a good idea. J x
Oh, no!! So sorry to hear that Casey isn't doin' so well. That really bums mom out cause she thought with Casey just being a mere pup that things would be pretty good for him. Mom and Dad had the vet put me on something called clomicalm for my separation anxiety and it worked really well...maybe you should ask Casey's Doctor about it too...hey, by the way, Mom and Dad and Finnegan are comin to Philly this weekend to see the bike race and are going to see Dani and Ron and Ax too...maybe you all will come too!!! Finn will be there, but I won't cause I don't do as well with other dogs....bummer...
Yes, we want to get together with all the wires, I sent you an email!
I'm sowwy I haven't witten fow a while..it's been kind of tewwible awound hewe, but now things awe bettew, so I came to visit...I hope you can find a solutions fow Casey..it must be hawd on you pawents to have to wowwy...I am cwossing my paws that one of those advices you got helps..I so much want all of you to be happy togethew
smoochie kisses
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