Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bebe is Home!

No pictures right now, thank you puppyrotzi. After a day at the hospital, Bebe was released on strict orders of what to eat for the next few days with medicine. They never said exactly what was wrong, but can only hope that everything is find. Thank you to Mt. Airy Animal Hospital for the wonderful care. Also thank you to our friend, Wire lover, Vet at Upenn for guiding us through these tough few days. Lastly thanks to all my furry friends out there.

I got to run in the yard with Casey tonight, so far so good. Now I will rest with my family.


Gus said...

So glad you are home, and hope you are feeling better. Did you read about Putter and the adventure of the corn cob? Not been eatin' any of those things recently, have ya?

kisses for swift healing

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Bebe, I'm sure you'll feel much better now you're home. Here's to a speedy recovery! J x

Daniella said...

sorry to hear you aren't well Bebe, hope you make a full recovery soon! When are we going to get together to play?


World of Animals, Inc said...

Bebe, we hope that you felt much better after you were home and got to have some much needed rest. Thanks for sharing the update with us. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
World of Animals